Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Snake River Canyon Jump

September 8, 1974: Evel Knieval was a celebrity of the highest order and when he attempted to jump the Snake River Canyon in his skycyle everyone watched. It was my indoctrination to the "media spectacle".

If you never saw it, click here

Evil survived the jump with only minor injuries. Evel made the ultimate jump to the afterlife on November 30, 2007.


  1. A brilliant moment. What a man! I saw his film Viva Knieval at the cinema ! Remember that Hanna Barbera Ernie Devlin cartoon? Would his lawyers let them get away with that these days?

  2. Paul,

    Thanks for stopping by. Of course I remember Ernei Devlin. I also had the EK Super Stunt cycle, and the camper set up. Good flippin' days man!
