Monday, June 7, 2010


Legend has it that when I went to visit my Grandmother even though I was only 2 1/2 years old in 1968, I would run right to her portable record player, rifle though her collection of old 45's and grab "Big John" by Jimmy Dean. I would snap the 45 RPM insert in, push the record onto the post, and push the lever to initiate the process that would drop the record onto the turnatable. My first spoken word was "light" because there was a little orange LED on the record player and I would point to it and say "light". Music has and always will be a huge part of my life, and it all started with the 45 RPM insert.

Currently Reading: "Dead Yard" (Adrian McKinty) & "Divorcing Jack" (Colin Bateman)

Song of the Day on the Commute: "Jesus Christ Pose" (Soundgarden)

Completed Novel: MINDJACKER, Crime Thriller

Current WIP: SISSY MURPHY, Crime Thriller


  1. The first 45 I bought with my own money was YMCA...I still have it in a box somewhere. We actually still have a turntable, but it's not hooked up anymore.

  2. Sharon,

    I remember when the Village People hit the scene. They were all the rage. My mom still has a ton of our old albums. I hear there a various high tech gadgets that can convert, and even play albums, in the car no less.
