Tuesday, June 1, 2010

R.I.P Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper passed away over the weekend. He co-starred with Peter Fonda in EASY RIDER, which came out in 1969, but I didn't see it until around 1976, on TV. I loved it and it is still one of my all-time fav's.


  1. Now that I have a Harley, I'm going to have to watch this movie...I'm trying to get that "live free" attitude, which is not so easy for a organizational nut like me...

  2. Sharon,

    Live Free or Die. Being so close to NH, I see it every day of my life. Hopefully, thye have a helmet law where you live. No such luck in NH. Carpe Diem is maybe easier to start with.

  3. I liked Hopper in 'Hoosiers' - a seriously underrated flick.

    Cheers, Dec

  4. Dec,

    Thanks for stopping by! Hoosiers was a good one. Hopper is not really one of my favorites, but the "Easy Rider" connection pulls a lot of weight with me.
